食環署空氣淨化供應商名單設備 - [掛牆式] 校舍/學校專用

(另有坐地大範圍款(適用空間1500呎): https://www.cleartechpro.com.hk/post/school_air_purifier_1500ft )
教育局撥7000萬元 助幼稚園等學校檢測通風購淨化機
我們ClearTech Pro團隊,主要為各機構及團體提供 防疫設施 及 感染控制 服務。 近月來我們都收到不少學校對「符合食環署規格 – 空氣淨化機」的查詢。現在介紹以下我們最適合學校使用的空氣淨化機產品:
1. 設計輕巧,可掛牆使用(避免學生或其他人士不小心絆倒或碰撞的風險)
2. 覆蓋範圍大,適用空間:800平方尺(74平方米)
3. 符合食環署空氣淨化設備最高規格(高效顆粒空氣過濾(HEPA) 結合紫外線-C (UV-C))
4. 一站式安裝,包括加強室內通風抽氣設備
5. 符合教育局資助申請
很多空氣淨化機是坐地及座枱設計,有機會阻礙通道容易發生危險。所以,我們需要一個功能全面及輕巧可掛牆的UV紫外線空氣消毒機 ─── AIRWIN Pure Air Pro X(適用空間800呎)。
學校查詢專線:WhatsApp: +852 6168-2661 / https://bit.ly/ws_school_air

1. HEPA納米光感纖維過濾網(達99.97%標準)
2. 深頻紫外光UVC消毒殺菌技術(波長253.7NM)
3. 光等離子空氣淨化Photoplasma
4. 二氧化鈦光觸媒殺菌


「大至微塵,小至細菌病毒都能一一消滅」 AIRWIN Pure Air Pro X 透過深層淨化4步曲────有效達致殺滅空氣中的病毒,細菌:
1. 高等級HEPA納米光感纖維過濾網 - 空氣經過濾網有效過濾灰塵、極細粉末、 飄浮致敏源,濾網極致淨化至0.3um(99.97%)
2.深頻紫外光UVC消毒殺菌技術 - 在高能紫外光的照射下能破壞細菌及病 毒的細胞結構,有效殺滅細菌病毒並阻止繁殖生長
3. 光等離子空氣淨化Photoplasma - 在高能紫外光的照射下產生具有大量自由氫氧機及 氧化離子的光催化效應與光等離子效應,令細菌死 亡和有機物分解,達到殺菌除污超強的淨化效果
4. 二氧化鈦光觸媒殺菌 - 在功能紫外光照射下產生催化進行氧化還原反應,能分 解空氣中的有害氣體和部份無機化合物,分解為二氧化碳和水等無害物質,抑制細菌生長和病毒的活性

「即時空氣質素」 及 「智能調節模式」

另外,AIRWIN還有一個強大功能,就是可以讀取現場環境的空氣質素(TVOC總揮發性有機物 及 PM2.5懸浮粒子)數值,可以即時知道家中空氣潔淨程度之餘,還會因應空氣質素而自調動節不同的過濾模式,時刻保持空氣潔淨,住得更加安心。
Airwin UVC 空氣消毒機受STC檢定中心仍可達到CE國際標準:
EN 55014-1:2017
EN 55014-2:2015
EN IEC 61000-3-2:2019
EN 61000-3-3:2013+A1:2019
EN 60335-2-65:2003+A1:2008+A11:2012 + AC:2014 + A11:2014 + A13:2017 + A1:2019 + A14:2019 + A2:2019
EN 62233:2008 + AC:2008
(另有坐地大範圍款(適用空間1500呎): https://www.cleartechpro.com.hk/post/school_air_purifier_1500ft )
【Education Bureau budgets HK$70m for improving schools' ventilation】
The Education Bureau has on Tuesday granted HK$70 million to subsidize schools on inspecting venting conditions and purchasing air purifiers.
The scheme will cover all kindergartens in the Kindergarten Education Scheme, and all government and subsidized schools.
In a letter issued on Tuesday, the bureau called on kindergartens to allocate resources to inspect ventilation conditions of their campuses, and to take follow-up actions including installing fans.
Each kindergarten will receive a one-off payment capped at HK$15,000 for hiring registered professionals for such inspection.
The schools are urged to purchase air purifiers if improvements cannot be made within a short period of time. They will each receive an one-off payment for purchasing air purifiers as well. Schools with 66 or fewer students will receive HK$20,000, while those with 67 or more students will receive HK$35,000.
As for government schools and subsidized schools, they will each receive an one-off payment capped at HK$400,000 according to their actual expenses on ventilation assessment services and follow-up improvement measures.
The grants will be distributed to the kindergartens this month. Government and subsidized schools can submit their applications to the bureau based on their actual expenses. The payment will be distributed as soon as possible, the bureau said.
High standards of air ventilation for indoor public places are as important as good hygiene and mask-wearing when it comes to Covid-19 protection. That has to be reflected in government requirements.
AirWin Pure Air Pro X is a WALL-MOUNTED UV purification equipment suitable for the schools! It is effective and with a small size design which can easily install it on the wall and anywhere.
Pure Air Pro X IAQ filtration up to 99.97% airborne particle and efficiently remove particles, allergens, TVOC, germs, Virus, as well as pollen & irritating substances.
5 in 1 CLEAN & FRESH - HEPA High Filtration Nano Filter (H13 99.97%) - Deep UVC Disinfection System - Photoplasma Reaction Technology - TiO2 & Titanium Dioxide
Realtime Smart IAQ Monitoring: Professional sensors keep monitoring the air quality, showing both reading PM2.5 and TVOC in turn, it provide real time data for selection appropriate purifying mode and airspeed
(Suitable for: Homes for the Aged, School, Fitness Centre, Office, Restaurant, Hotel, Beauty Centre, Club House, Residential Area…)
This is not for choice, this is essential 現在,立刻用科技解決問題! 讓我們能安心出門,放心回家吧! 立即查詢安裝詳情,及快來推介給你們的餐廳朋友!
(Air Purifier for 1500sq.ft.: https://www.cleartechpro.com.hk/post/school_air_purifier_1500ft ) Or fill-up the form 填妥以下申請表格,我們會安排通風專員與你聯絡:https://forms.gle/iSnaAeWXqzzG7Jro9
ClearTechPro 空氣淨化殺菌器 AIRWIN Pure Air Pro X 產品詳情,請瀏覽: https://www.cleartechpro.com.hk/product-page/CTPAirwinPureAirProX 📕AirWin Pure Air Pro X 空氣消毒淨化器 小冊子介紹下載📕 AirWin Pure Air Pro X Brochure Download: https://bit.ly/CTP_AirWin
For information in English, please visit: https://bit.ly/CTP_AirWin_Eng 🇬🇧 For information in English, please visit: https://en.cleartechpro.com.hk/product-page/CTPAirwinPureAirProX 想了解更多?歡迎向我們查詢: 網上查詢:https://www.cleartechpro.com.hk/support Tel.:+852 6168-2661 WhatsApp: +852 6168-2661 / https://bit.ly/wtsapp_airwin Line:clearwinhk WeChat:clearwinhk Email:info@cleartechpro.com.hk Facebook:www.fb.com/cleartechpro www.cleartechpro.com.hk (另有坐地大範圍款(適用空間1500呎): https://www.cleartechpro.com.hk/post/school_air_purifier_1500ft )